Feed Equine America Airways Liquid prior to exercise or competition to open the airways and maximise performance. It can be used as a pre-event mouth wash for horses in high level competition. It will assist air flow, resulting in the intake of higher levels of oxygen to aid focus and reduce fatigue.
Airways Solution contains the natural ingredients Vinegar, Honey, Glycerine, Eucalyptus and Peppermint to lubricate the throat and dilate the airways.
How does it work?
The honey and Glycerine in Airways Solution coats and lubricates the throat, whilst the vapours from Menthol, Peppermint and Eucalyptus dilate the airways allowing for maximum air intake. The more air; the more oxygen = maximum performance.
Feeding directions:
Administer 15ml into the horse’s mouth on the back of the tongue prior to exercise or competition.
Size: 500ml